Tuesday, November 23, 2010

How to change a heater core?

Does anybody know how to change a heater core in a 96 buick skylark? My husband won't do it so i have to figure it out now cause i have no heat!How to change a heater core?take it to a repair shop.if you dont know how to do it.How to change a heater core?Take it to a garage, takes a long time to do and thats if you know what your doing, I'm not 100% sure on that car, but i know the lumina (close to the same car) calls for 4-5 hours to do the heater core, and thats if you know what your doing, its a major pain to do.How to change a heater core?bring it over, i will do it. seriously, it's not a big job. the core lies flat under the center of the dash.How to change a heater core?Service and Repair


Disconnect battery ground cable.

Drain cooling system.

Raise and support vehicle.

Disconnect heater hoses from heater core assembly.

Remove drain tube.

Lower vehicle.

If equipped, remove console as follows:

Apply parking brake and block drive wheels.

Position transaxle shift lever in Neutral.

On models with automatic transaxle, remove clip retaining shift lever handle to lever, then remove shift lever handle.

On models with manual transaxle, turn shift lever handle counterclockwise to remove from lever.

On all models, carefully pry upward on outer edges of console trim plate.

Disconnect electrical connectors and ashtray lamp from console trim plate, then remove trim plate from console.

Remove console to mounting bracket attaching screws, then remove console.

Remove three lower left hand sound insulator attaching screws.

9 .Disconnect cruise control module electrical connector and lamp, then remove left hand sound insulator panel.

Remove two lower right hand sound insulator attaching screws and two nuts.

Disconnect EVO controller electrical connector and lamp, then remove right hand sound insulator panel.

Remove DLC connector attaching screws, then remove steering column filler panel attaching screws and filler panel.

Remove floor outlet duct.

Remove heater core cover attaching screws, then remove heater core cover.

Remove heater core mounting clamps, then remove heater core.

Reverse procedure to install.

漏 2006 ALLDATA LLC. All rights reserved.

Terms of UseHow to change a heater core?wel ifyou are going to do i your self the first thing to check if you have not you is is it leaking aintifreeze if it is it could be the water pump but if you smell a sweet smell its the heater core but it could also be the therostat is tuck open and if so it would not let it heat up but to change the heater core drain the antifreeze and un hook the 2 hoses under the hood then unde the center console you will find it you will be looking for a box under the dash next to the fire wall you will have to unbolt it and then open the box up and take the old one out and put the new one in but one other thing u can try if its not leaking is they make an acid that you can put in to it and it tells you what to do on th bottle it will clean out the heater core and therest of the system but also check th thermostat to stt if ts stuck openHow to change a heater core?Rog on the above answer. How do you know it's bad? If it isn't leaking, then it is fine, and your heat/cool blend door is the problem. If it isn't leaking and the hoses that go to the firewall are both hot when you car is warmed up, it's definitely the blend door.

The blend door is operated by either a cable, which is usually the case if the temp is controlled by sliding the knob across the control panel.

It could also be vacuum operated, using a small diaphragm to operate the blend door.
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